International Programme Committee
The role of the IPC is as follows:-- To advise on the organisation of the conference;
- To promote the conference and bring it to the attention of other researchers;
- To advise on the topics of the conference;
- To help with the paper review process
- To assist in monitoring overall quality.
The IPC consists of the following members and, in addition, all Invited Session Chairs:-
Name | Affiliation |
Dr. Dariusz Barbucha  | Gdynia Maritime University, Poland  |
Prof. Costin Badica  | University of Craiova, Romania  |
Dr. Marina Bagić Babac  | Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia  |
Dr. Iva Bojic  | Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore  |
Dr. Gloria Bordogna  | CNR IREA, Italy  |
Joseph Alexander Brown  | Innopolis University, Russia  |
Dr. Grażyna Brzykcy  | Poznań University of Technology, Department of Control and Information Engineering, Poland  |
Prof. Zoran Budimac  | University of Novi Sad, Serbia  |
Prof. Frantisek Capkovic  | Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak Republic  |
Dr. Jessica Chen-Burger  | The Heriot-Watt University, Scotland, UK  |
Dr. Angela Consoli  | Defence Science and Technology Group, Australia  |
Prof. Ireneusz Czarnowski  | Gdynia Maritime University, Poland  |
Prof. Radhakrishnan Delhibabu  | Kazan Federal University, Russia  |
Salvatore Distefano  | University of Messina, Italy/Kazan Federal University, Russia  |
Dr. Arnulfo Alanis Garza  | Instituto Tecnologico de Tijuana. Mexico  |
Prof. Chihab Hanachi  | University of Toulouse, France  |
Dr. Quang Hoang  | Hue University, Vietnam  |
Prof. Zeljko Hocenski  | University Josip Juraj Strossmayer in Osijek, Faulty of Electrical Engineering, Croatia  |
Prof. Tzung-pei Hong  | National University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan  |
Dr. Adrianna Kozierkiewicz-Hetmańska  | Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland  |
Prof. Mirjana Ivanovic  | University of Novi Sad, Serbia  |
Prof. Piotr Jedrzejowicz  | Gdynia Maritime University, Poland  |
Prof. Dragan Jevtic  | University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia  |
Dr. Arkadiusz Kawa  | Poznan University of Economics, Poland  |
Prof. Petros Kefalas  | The University of Sheffield International Faculty, Greece  |
Assoc. Prof. Setsuya Kurahashi  | University of Tsukuba, Japan  |
Prof. Mario Kusek  | University of Zagreb, Croatia  |
Prof. Kazuhiro Kuwabara  | Ritsumeikan University, Japan  |
Dr. Konrad Kułakowski  | AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland  |
Robert Lowe  | University of Skövde/University of Gothenburg, Sweden  |
Dr. Marin Lujak  | University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain  |
Dr. Manuel Mazzara  | Innopolis University Russia  |
Dr. Daniel Moldt  | University of Hamburg, Germany  |
Prof. Cezary Orłowski  | Gdansk School of Banking, Poland  |
Assist. Prof. Vedran Podobnik  | University of Zagreb, Croatia  |
Prof. Bhanu Prasad  | Florida A&M University, USA  |
Prof. Radu-Emil Precup  | Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania  |
Rajesh Reghunadhan  | Central University of South Bihar, India  |
Prof. Silvia Rossi  | University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy  |
Mr. James O'Shea  | Manchester Metropolitan University, UK  |
Dr. Roman Sperka  | Silesian University in Opava, Czech Republic  |
Prof. Darko Stipanicev  | University of Split, Croatia  |
Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz  | AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland  |
Prof. Hiroshi Takahashi  | Keio University, Japan  |
Prof. Yasufumi Takama  | Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan  |
Max Talanov  | Kazan Federal University and Innopolis University, Russia  |
Prof. Takao Terano  | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan  |
Dr. Wojciech Thomas  | Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland  |
Dr. Krunoslav Trzec  | Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia  |
Prof. Taketoshi Ushiama  | Kyushu University, Japan  |
Prof. Jordi Vallverdú  | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain  |
Prof. Bay Vo  | Ho Chi Minh City University of technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam  |
Prof. Toyohide Watanabe  | Nagoya University, Japan  |
Mrs. Izabela Wierzbowska  | Gdynia Maritime University, Poland  |
Prof. Mahdi Zargayouna  | University of Paris-Est, IFSTTAR, France  |
Prof. Arkady Zaslavsky  | Data61 at CSIRO, Australia  |